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Toucan Education Programs

Press Release Update: 1000 Trees for the Cayo District

Christian (Chris) Windsor • September 29, 2022

Implementation Highlights of The Reforestation Program at Toucan

On August 4th, 2022, through the commitment and dedication of Toucan Education Programs and Friends for Conservation and Development with support from donors being The Belize Tourism Board, Central Tv and Internet, Ms. Karla Heusner, and Belizing, a total of 329 trees were planted in a very sensitive and ecologically important area.

A group of 20 persons each representing companies and organizations within Belize traveled to the Vaca Forest Reserve for a very important event. They all joined hands with Toucan Education Programs and Friends for Conservation and Development (FCD) as they carried out “The Plant a Tree Reforestation Program™” by not only purchasing seedlings but also planting these seedlings to restore degraded areas.

Belizing staff planting seedlings

“The particular area being reforested is the riparian zone of the Cacao Creek, this creek is a vital source of water for wildlife within the Vaca Forest Reserve and is also a tributary that flows into the Macal River. 

By reforesting these areas, the ecosystem regains its purpose to allow for a viable water source and prevent further erosion and siltation within the area. This, furthermore, improves soil quality and restores wildlife habitat.

Central Tv team planting

Today we are extremely grateful for all the donors who have also recognized the need for this reforestation program and have not only graciously purchased seedlings but have also brought out their staff to further support and implement the program itself.

We would also like to extend the invitation to other organizations to help this cause. Upon purchasing seedlings through Toucan Educational Programs, your business will get an electronic certificate showing your commitment to the project. You can share this with guests, and upload it to your website or social media marketing. 

Chris Windsor, Toucan Education Programs

We extend an invitation to other organizations to support this cause. Upon purchasing seedlings through Toucan Educational Programs, your business will get an electronic certificate showing your commitment to the project. You can share this with guests, and upload it to your website or social media marketing. 

All proceeds go towards the purchase of the seedlings from local farmers and community groups who participate in the planting process which includes transporting seedlings to areas designated for reforestation and monitoring the plants for six months to support their successful growth. 

Our partners at FCD identify the areas in need of reforestation and work with the farmers and community groups to select the plant species and the number of seedlings required and produce an annual report on the progress of The Plant a Tree Reforestation Program™.   

Hoteliers, tour guides, tour operators, restaurant owners, tourism service industry workers, all local economic sectors, tourists, and higher education institutions in Belize and abroad are invited to participate in a reforestation program to keep Belize’s ecosystems healthy and address carbon emissions associated with travel to Belize.  

seedlings for reforestation

To make a commitment to reforestation in Belize through the Plant A Tree Reforestation Program, please contact us at  Or call 501-671-4421

Purchases of 50 or more seedlings receive a 10% discount.

Useful links: 

Toucan Education homepage

Our Impact Page

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